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Extract Method

One of the most common techniques used in refactoring code is the Extract Method. The Extract Method technique is a refactoring process that turns a fragment of source code into a method, a procedure, or a function, reducing code duplication and enhancing readability.

The Extract Method technique has a straightforward goal: if you have a section of code within a method that performs a specific task, it should be turned into its own method. This newly formed method then gets a name that describes the task it performs.

Let’s look at this technique with code examples in three popular programming languages: Java, Python, and JavaScript.

Extract Method Refactoring in Java

Let’s start with Java. Assume we have the following code snippet:

public void printOwing() {

    // print details
    System.out.println("name: " + _name);
    System.out.println("amount: " + getOutstanding());

If we want to extract the details printing section, we can refactor the code as follows:

public void printOwing() {

private void printDetails(double outstanding) {
    System.out.println("name: " + _name);
    System.out.println("amount: " + outstanding);

Here, the ‘printDetails’ method is created to encapsulate the code responsible for printing the details.

Extract Method Refactoring in Python

Now let’s move on to Python. Given the following function:

def print_owing(name, outstanding):

    # print details
    print(f"name: {name}")
    print(f"amount: {outstanding}")

We can refactor this using the Extract Method technique like this:

def print_owing(name, outstanding):
    print_details(name, outstanding)

def print_details(name, outstanding):
    print(f"name: {name}")
    print(f"amount: {outstanding}")

Here, we have created a new function, print_details, which takes care of printing the name and outstanding amount.

Extract Method Refactoring in JavaScript

Finally, let’s look at JavaScript. Given the following code:

function printOwing(name, outstanding) {

    // print details
    console.log(`name: ${name}`);
    console.log(`amount: ${outstanding}`);

After applying the Extract Method refactoring technique, it can be refactored as follows:

function printOwing(name, outstanding) {
    printDetails(name, outstanding);

function printDetails(name, outstanding) {
    console.log(`name: ${name}`);
    console.log(`amount: ${outstanding}`);

Here, printDetails is the newly created function that encapsulates the task of printing the name and outstanding amount.


Extract Method is a simple yet powerful refactoring technique that can significantly improve the maintainability and readability of your code. Regardless of the programming language, the concept remains the same: If a chunk of code performs a particular task, extract it into a separate function or method. Doing so will not only make your code more readable and maintainable, but it will also make it easier to debug, test, and understand.