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Replace Constructor with Factory Method

“Replace Constructor with Factory Method” is a refactoring technique used in object-oriented programming. This technique involves replacing the direct use of a constructor for object creation with a call to a factory method. A factory method is a method that returns an instance of the class.

Introduce Local Extension

Refactoring is a crucial aspect of writing and maintaining clean, efficient code. One of the techniques used in refactoring is the ‘Introduce Local Extension’ method. This article will delve into what this technique is, when it’s used, and provide practical… Read More »Introduce Local Extension

Replace Exception with Error Code

“Replace Exception with Error Code” is a refactoring technique where a method that throws an exception is replaced with a method that returns an error code. This technique is typically used when the cost of exception handling is high, or when the exceptions are used for control flow, which is generally considered a bad practice.
In this post, we learn when to apply this refactoring and its pros and cons.

Replace Method with Method Object

The Replace Method with Method Object refactoring technique is used to transform a method into a separate class, converting the method parameters into its fields, and allowing the method to be broken down into multiple methods within that new class.

Introduce Parameter Object

Refactoring is a process of altering the structure of the existing code without changing its external behavior. Among the several refactoring techniques, one of the most effective and useful is the Introduce Parameter Object refactoring technique. This technique comes handy… Read More »Introduce Parameter Object

Replace Temp with Query

Refactoring code involves altering the structure of code to make it more understandable and maintainable without changing its observable behavior. One such strategy of refactoring is known as “Replace Temp with Query”. What is Replace Temp with Query? Replace Temp… Read More »Replace Temp with Query

Inline Temp

When dealing with software development, we often encounter code that can be optimized or made more readable. One strategy for achieving this is through a process known as refactoring. A particular type of refactoring, “Inline Temp Refactoring,” can be an… Read More »Inline Temp