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Understanding the Law of Demeter: The Principle of Least Knowledge


The Law of Demeter, also known as the Principle of Least Knowledge, is a design guideline in object-oriented programming that encourages objects to communicate only with their immediate neighbors and not with objects further away from the object graph. Following this principle can reduce coupling between objects, promote encapsulation, and create a more modular and maintainable codebase. In this blog post, we will discuss the essence of the Law of Demeter, and its benefits, and provide practical examples to demonstrate its application.

The Essence of the Law of Demeter

The Law of Demeter dictates that an object should only communicate with:

  1. Itself
  2. Objects passed as arguments to its methods
  3. Any objects it creates or instantiates
  4. Its direct component objects (also known as its “friends”)

By adhering to these rules, you can achieve better encapsulation and lower coupling between objects in your system.

Benefits of the Law of Demeter:

  1. Reduced Coupling: By limiting the communication between objects, you can reduce dependencies and create a more flexible and maintainable codebase.
  2. Enhanced Encapsulation: The Law of Demeter promotes information hiding, allowing objects to change their internal implementation without affecting other parts of the system.
  3. Improved Modularity: A system designed according to the Law of Demeter will have a more modular structure, making it easier to modify or extend.
  4. Simplified Testing: With fewer dependencies between objects, testing individual components becomes more manageable and straightforward.

Code Example – Violating the Law of Demeter

Consider the following example, where we have a Car, Engine, and Manufacturer class:

class Manufacturer:
    def __init__(self, name): = name

class Engine:
    def __init__(self, manufacturer):
        self.manufacturer = manufacturer

class Car:
    def __init__(self, engine):
        self.engine = engine

    def print_engine_manufacturer_name(self):
        print(f"Engine manufacturer: {}")

manufacturer = Manufacturer("Ford")
engine = Engine(manufacturer)
car = Car(engine)

In this example, the Car class is violating the Law of Demeter by calling the name attribute of the Manufacturer class through the engine.manufacturer attribute. This creates unnecessary coupling between the Car, Engine, and Manufacturer classes.

Code Example – Applying the Law of Demeter

Now let’s refactor the code to adhere to the Law of Demeter:

class Manufacturer:
    def __init__(self, name): = name

class Engine:
    def __init__(self, manufacturer):
        self.manufacturer = manufacturer

    def get_manufacturer_name(self):

class Car:
    def __init__(self, engine):
        self.engine = engine

    def print_engine_manufacturer_name(self):
        print(f"Engine manufacturer: {self.get_engine_manufacturer_name()}")

    def get_engine_manufacturer_name(self):
        return self.engine.get_manufacturer_name()

manufacturer = Manufacturer("Ford")
engine = Engine(manufacturer)
car = Car(engine)

In this refactored example, we’ve added a new method get_engine_manufacturer_name() to the Car class, which delegates the responsibility of fetching the manufacturer’s name to the Engine class. The Car class no longer directly accesses the Manufacturer class, adhering to this principle.

You might be wondering what have we achieved given that the Car class still depends on the Engine class to fetch the manufacturer’s name in the refactored example. However, the coupling has been reduced compared to the initial example.

In the initial example, the Car class accessed the manufacturer’s name through the attribute, which meant that the Car class needed knowledge about the inner workings of both the Engine and Manufacturer classes. This tight coupling made it difficult to change the implementation of any of these classes without affecting the others.

In the refactored example, we introduced the get_manufacturer_name() method in the Engine class and the get_engine_manufacturer_name() method in the Car class. By doing so, we encapsulated the details of how the manufacturer’s name is obtained within the Engine class, and the Car class only needs to know about the get_engine_manufacturer_name() method. The coupling between the Car and Manufacturer classes has been eliminated, and the coupling between the Car and Engine classes has been reduced.

It’s important to note that some level of coupling between objects is inevitable in most applications, and the goal is not to eliminate all coupling but rather to manage it and minimize unnecessary dependencies. By following this principle and promoting encapsulation, we can reduce the overall coupling in our code and create more maintainable and flexible software systems.


The Law of Demeter, or the Principle of Least Knowledge, is a valuable design guideline that helps create more maintainable, flexible, and modular codebases in object-oriented programming. Limiting the communication between objects and only interacting with their immediate neighbors can reduce coupling, enhance encapsulation, and simplify testing. While following the Law of Demeter can lead to improvements in your code, it’s essential to strike a balance and avoid over-engineering. Always consider your application’s specific context and requirements when applying any design principle, and strive to create clean, well-structured code that is easy to understand and maintain.