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Write-Behind Cache Pattern: Benefits and Drawbacks

The Write-Behind (or Write-Back) Cache Pattern is a caching strategy that can significantly improve the performance of applications that perform write operations. This pattern is particularly useful when the application needs to write to a data store frequently and the data store cannot keep up with the write load.

What is Write-Behind Cache Pattern?

In the Write-Behind Cache Pattern, instead of writing data directly to the data store, the application writes to a cache. The cache then asynchronously writes the data to the data store. This approach allows the application to continue processing other tasks without waiting for the data store write operation to complete.

Implementing Write-Behind Cache Pattern with Kotlin and Redis

Let’s see how we can implement the Write-Behind Cache Pattern using Kotlin and Redis.

import redis.clients.jedis.Jedis

class WriteBehindCache(private val redis: Jedis) {

    fun write(key: String, value: String) {
        // Write to cache
        redis.set(key, value)

        // Asynchronously write to data store
        Thread {
            writeToDataStore(key, value)

    private fun writeToDataStore(key: String, value: String) {
        // Code to write to data store

fun main() {
    val redis = Jedis("localhost")
    val cache = WriteBehindCache(redis)

    cache.write("key", "value")

In this example, the write method writes the data to the Redis cache and then starts a new thread to write the data to the data store asynchronously.

Sequence Diagram

When to Use Write-Behind Cache Pattern

The Write-Behind Cache Pattern is beneficial in scenarios where:

  • The application performs frequent write operations.
  • The data store cannot keep up with the write load.
  • The application can tolerate a delay in the persistence of data.
  • The application needs to improve performance and reduce latency.

Benefits of the Write-Behind Cache Pattern

Improved Performance: By writing to the cache first and then asynchronously writing to the data store, the application can continue processing other tasks without waiting for the data store write operation to complete. This can significantly improve the performance of write-heavy applications.

Reduced Load on Data Store: The Write-Behind Cache Pattern can reduce the load on the data store by batching together multiple write operations. This can be particularly beneficial when working with data stores that cannot keep up with a high write load.

Batch Updates: The pattern allows for batch updates. Instead of writing each change to the data store immediately, the cache can accumulate multiple changes and write them all at once. This can reduce the number of write operations and improve efficiency.

Absorbing Peaks in Demand: The pattern can help to absorb peaks in demand. If the application experiences a sudden surge in write operations, these can be quickly written to the cache, and then written to the data store over a longer period of time.

Reduced Latency: By writing to the cache first (which is typically much faster than writing to a data store), the application can provide a quicker response to the user, reducing latency.

Increased Throughput: The pattern can increase the overall throughput of the application by allowing it to continue processing other tasks while the write operations are being carried out in the background.

Drawback of the Write-Behind Cache Pattern

Data Loss Risk: Since data is initially written only to the cache and not immediately to the data store, there’s a risk of data loss if the cache fails before the data is persisted to the data store.

Data Inconsistency: If the application reads data before the cache has had a chance to write it to the data store, it may get stale or inconsistent data.

Complex Error Handling: Error handling can be more complex with this pattern. For example, if a write to the data store fails, the application needs to have a strategy for retrying the operation or handling the error in some other way.

Delayed Write: The write to the data store is delayed, which might not be acceptable for applications that require real-time data persistence.

Order of Operations: If the order of write operations is important, this pattern can cause issues, as the asynchronous nature of the cache writes can lead to operations being executed out of order.

Increased Complexity: Implementing a Write-Behind Cache Pattern can add complexity to the system, as you need to manage the synchronization between the cache and the data store.

As with any design pattern, it’s important to understand the trade-offs and ensure that the pattern is a good fit for your specific use case.


In conclusion, the Write-Behind Cache Pattern is a powerful caching strategy that can significantly improve the performance of write-heavy applications. By writing to a cache and asynchronously writing to the data store, applications can continue processing other tasks without waiting for the data store write operation to complete. This pattern is particularly useful when working with data stores that cannot keep up with the write load.
