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Extract Variable

Programming isn’t just about getting your code to work. It’s also about creating clean, understandable, and maintainable code that other developers can easily navigate. One technique that can significantly aid in achieving this goal is “Extract Variable Refactoring.” This article… Read More »Extract Variable

Inline Method

The inline method is a refactoring technique used to simplify code when a method’s body is as clear as its name. This method can be replaced with its content, reducing the need for an extra layer of abstraction, and thus… Read More »Inline Method

Extract Method

One of the most common techniques used in refactoring code is the Extract Method. The Extract Method technique is a refactoring process that turns a fragment of source code into a method, a procedure, or a function, reducing code duplication… Read More »Extract Method

What is “Configuration Drift”?

Definition of Configuration Drift Configuration drift is a phenomenon occurring when production environments gradually diverge or “drift” from their initial, defined configurations. It can be caused by updates, patches, or adjustments made directly to servers, network devices, or other infrastructural… Read More »What is “Configuration Drift”?

How Does a Database Engine Process Prepared Statements Compared to Normal Statements, and Why Are Prepared Statements Faster

Processing of Normal Non-Prepared Statements Non-prepared statements, also known as direct SQL statements, involve SQL queries being written and sent to the database directly. The steps involved in processing a normal SQL statement are: This whole process is repeated each… Read More »How Does a Database Engine Process Prepared Statements Compared to Normal Statements, and Why Are Prepared Statements Faster

Can you describe how to set up an automated deployment pipeline for a complex, multi-tier application?

Setting up an automated deployment pipeline for a complex, multi-tier application involves several key steps. It involves tools for continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD), test automation, and infrastructure as code (IaC). Below is a high-level overview of the process.… Read More »Can you describe how to set up an automated deployment pipeline for a complex, multi-tier application?

What are Common Table Expressions or CTEs?

Common Table Expressions (CTEs) provide a way to write auxiliary statements for use in a larger query. These auxiliary statements, essentially named subqueries, can be referenced later in the FROM clause. They make queries easier to understand by breaking them up into smaller, simpler parts.